I don't know about you but when twice I have been at my wits end and there was just no solution I could find, I found myself in 'autopilot' mode and my vehicle drove me right to the steps of my mothers place, and I did not have to say anything and somehow my mother just knew I was out of sorts! .......and lo behold! when I left the spring in my step was back and I was ready to take on the whole world again.
That's how big mothers are, to you and me, right from carrying you prior to your first suck of air through your nostrils, through your lack of care of where you emit your digestive by-products, 'goo-goo-goo' months, nappies, first walk, blatant ignorance and the list goes on..... mothers are always there (and most fathers...) and all the while still gathering firewood, preparing the food, heating the water, guiding your prayers, helping you with the homework, keeping their husbands happy and the list goes on.....
In a nutshell our lady folk have carried Africa for a long time, without discounting the contribution of the menfolk, 'Mama, mai, amayi, wamama, ama, ma' we have worked you to the ground, as part of the menfolk we have collectively taken you for granted, we have taken credit for your ideas, we have inhibited your dreams by deliberately forcing you to conform to a mediocre medieval existence, and all through this you have trudged on, making and carrying life as delegated by the creator, ensuring continuity of the all important life through the children, I feel for you. I see you carrying loads on your head every day, taking the little ones to hospital, struggling to cross the road in your old age, trying to hold on to the beauty of your youth to ensure your mans attention does not wane, selling your ware beside the road, waking up early every day, pressing your husbands best shirts, I see you...we see you....
My toast today therefore is 'To you our mothers, and to a better life for you forever and ever'