Friday, March 09, 2007

POPOBAWA- Fact or Myth?

Morris Mwavizo writing in The Citizen of Friday, 9th March, 2007 (today) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania writes about fear, fear that is driving the male inhabitants of Kilungile, Tandika, Mkuranga, Mtoni Kijichi, Sharamba and Mbagara to sleep outside of their houses.



POPOBAWA is roughly translated the 'winged bat', some claim the name was originally 'pepo bawa' which means the winged spirit but that the name has changed over time.

According to the residents of this Mbagara area, where most claims of sightings have originated recently , the creatures roam the night invading houses and SODOMIZING men.

Imagined or not, people are afraid....

To repel the attacks , majority of men are sleeping outside, others who are not Muslim have resorted to smearing pigs oil to keep the demon off.

'people have even dug around their compounds and buried pig bones, I don't know if this helps' Omar says.

Last week one of the Chief astrologers in the country, Sheikh Yahya Hussein, acknowledged the existence of the demon. He claimed the Popobowa is a spirit that is unleashed by witches to torment their opponents and added that they are ways of dealing with it.

However a psychologist who wishes anonymity argues it does not exist ' The Demon is a fragment of peoples imagination. It does not exist' he says. He says it could be......a condition called sleep paralysis. According to Internet sources sleep paralysis can affect different people in many different ways including: overwhelming feelings of evil entities watching you, an intruder in your room, alien abductions, rape, an 'old bag lady' or old hag attacking you or suffocating you in your sleep, among others.......

Morris Mwavizo

Well wherever you are if you are of male human species take cover! it is coming by plane or otherwise! be afraid! be very afraid!!

otherwise a preventive suggestion apart from pig oil or bones might be metal briefs or something like that......

but what could this really be? a few over wise village ladies tired of alcohol breath from their husbands trying to get a few days break? a real spirit? the last I heard is that the spirit had now contracted the HIV Virus and is passing it around! All I know is that if this is not controlled and put to bed as soon as possible it can progress into mass hysteria especially amongst lowly educated masses and high population density areas, and as I head home tonight I wonder is Popobowa planning to ravage me tonight, is it safe to ignore this myth? or is it that finally men are truly being **ped.

be afraid! be very afraid!!!!

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